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About us

FuktCentrum is an information and research centre for building related moisture issues.

FuktCentrum works towards strengthening research and development in addition to educating and informing by providing a link between basic research and practical application.

We hope that FuktCentrum can be a open forum for scientific discussion within the field of moisture and be a national resource with moisture research related to buildings.

FuktCentrum works towards an increased cooperation with other moisture research projects, multidisciplinary projects and contacts, and encourages increased cooperation when dealing with moisture problems in buildings with other scientists and disciplines both on a national and international context.

One important assignment is to spread our results though courses, theme days for the building industry, and publications.

FuktCentrum began in 2000 and is a continuation of a group previously called 'The Lund Moisture Group', which began in the 1980's.

The members of FuktCentrum consist of about 40 researchers, PhD students and technicians from the departments mentioned above.

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